TRAILER: Danny Rand Returns to New York in ‘Iron Fist’ Season 1 Trailer


The final piece of the Defenders is here.

Danny Rand, or Iron Fist, returns to New York City after having been thought to be dead for the past 15 years. Though his parents appear to die in a plane crash in a fashion akin to Peter Parker’s parents in the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies, Rand survived and now returns at a time when a mysterious force that warrants his powers arises.

Iron Fist stars Finn Jones as the protagonist with super martial-arts powers. Jones is perhaps most noted for his role as Loras Tyrell in Game of Thrones. He is joined by reoccurring Marvel TV star Rosario Dawson as Claire Temple, who first appeared in Daredevil but also made rounds in Jessicac Jones and Luke Cage.

Season 1 of Iron Fist is set to release on March 17.