Mary Jane Watson Graces the Cover of Marvel Titles

See what it would be like if Mary Jane Watson filled in for some of Marvel's most popular heroes (and villains).


Marvel is putting one of its most beloved characters at the forefront with its upcoming releases of variant covers for a slew of titles. Mary Jane Watson occupies the costumes of some of Marvel’s biggest heroes. Here’s the full list of the upcoming Watson variant covers coming in June.

  1. All-New Wolverine No. 21 by David Lopez
  2. Avengers No. 8 by Mike Allred
  3. Champions No. 9 by Helen Chen
  4. Doctor Strange No. 22 by Francisco Herrera
  5. The Unbelievable Gwenpool No. 17 by David Nakayama
  6. Hulk No. 7 by Rahzzah
  7. Invincible Iron Man No. 8 by Marco Checchetto
  8. Iron Fist No. 4 by Stephanie Hans
  9. Spider-Gwen No. 21 by Kevin Wada
  10. The Mighty Captain Marvel No. 6 by Chris Samnee
  11. The Punisher No. 13 by Dave Williams
  12. Venom No. 151 by Franceso Mattina
  13. All-New Guardians of the Galaxy No. 3 by TBA
  14. Black Bolt No. 2 by Ryan Stegman
  15. Captain America: Steve Rogers No. 18 by Paolo Rivera
  16. Daredevil No. 21 by Humberto Ramos
  17. Deadpool No. 32 by Elizabeth Torque
  18. I Am Groot No. 2 by TBA
  19. Mighty Thor No. 20 by Patrick Brown
  20. Secret Warriors No. 3 by Humberto Ramos
  21. X-Men Blue No. 5 by TBA
  22. X-Men Gold No. 5 by Anthony Piper