TRAILER: 1st ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’ Trailer Has a ‘Little’ Surprise


It’s finally here. Perhaps Marvel’s most intentionally comedic superhero film gets its sequel’s first trailer.

The first trailer conservatively reintroduces all (yes, all of them) of the first movie’s protagonists while also not giving too many plot details, if any at all. Hooked on a Feeling, by by Blue Swede, also makes its return but with a seemingly ominous undertone. That doesn’t last long, though, as David Bautista steals the show with the return of his character Drax’s dry humor.

Apart from Bautista, Chris Pratt is the only other character to speak, as he plays a secondary role to Bautista in this initial trailer.

Guardians of the Galaxy is undeniably one of Marvel’s most lucrative and most highly rated movies. It tops out as the ninth-highest grossing Marvel movie ever made, making $333,176,600 in the United States alone. It is also the third-highest rated Marvel movie on; only Iron Man and Marvel’s The Avengers beat out Guardians.

Watch the trailer all the way to the end, as there’s a “little” surprise waiting for the audience.