Halloween Event, New Heroes Teased for ‘Overwatch’



Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch initially captured gamers with its unique blend of arena-shooter antics, iconic characters and stylized visuals.

It has quickly evolved into one of the most involved and clever video games of this (or any) console generation, creating mystery around upcoming characters and tempting players with slick cosmetic items available only by intense level grinding.

The ARG (Alternate Reality Game) Blizzard has employed recently to mask the reveal of a new playable character, Sombra, might be one the most inventive methods of engaging a player base a developer has ever utilized.

The latest update in this ongoing game was an image uploaded across several image-sharing apps, supposedly by a Russian Overwatch group, showcasing Sombra while also carrying information on the character, tying her to a street gang last seen in the Soldier: 76 animated short.

The caption, translated in a Reddit post, also mentions a potential new game mode that also references a Dr. Junkenstein. The new mode, per the Reddit post, involves protecting “the castle doors from the Zomnics and Dr. Junkenstein’s evil allies…” There’s also mention of “three different difficulties—the harder the difficulty, the more points you can earn!”

While the previous seasonal event mode was competitive, this new mode sounds more cooperative, with players teaming up against waves of enemies, similar to Gears of War’s Horde Mode.

This, coupled with the apparently leaked cover of the latest digital Overwatch comic, would seem to suggest that a Halloween event is scheduled before the end of October.

Featured in the cover are four of the Overwatch heroes: Junkrat as Dr. Frankenstein, Mercy as a witch, Reaper as the Headless Horseman and Roadhog as Frankenstein’s monster.

The post also mentions new Halloween themed cosmetic items will become available during the event, found exclusively in the new Halloween loot boxes.