TRAILER: 1st ‘Star Wars Battlefront II’ Trailer Highlights Single-player Campaign

"Star Wars Battlefront II" has a single-player campaign that's a little on the Dark Side.



In Orlando, Florida, the trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II was released at Star Wars Celebration.

The focus of Battlefront II’s first trailer was a dedicated single-player campaign mode revolving around an Imperial soldier during the aftermath of the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order. The story content will span the intervening 30 years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.

Some interesting details can be gleaned from the trailer, including images of a vassal of the Emperor carrying out his orders after his death as well as subsequent battles between the Empire and the Rebellion. The main character of the story, Iden Versio, even encounters Luke Skywalker, leveling a gun at the back of his head.

On the multiplayer side, the trailer reveals that multiplayer matches can be played across all three major eras in the Star Wars universe. Players can take control of the likes of Darth Maul, Yoda, Rey, Kylo Ren and Skywalker. Futhermore, a blog post on Xbox Wire revealed that offline, couch co-op will be exclusive to console gamers and won’t make an appearance on PC.

Preview reports from IGN also reveal that the progression system has received a major overhaul and that Dice received assistance from Burnout developer Criterion in fine-tuning vehicle combat and spear-heading a new, full space match type.

Battlefront II is set to release this Nov. 17 alongside Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi opens about a month later on Dec. 15.