Villain for ‘Suicide Squad’ Revealed


We’ve watched the trailers and the behind-the-scenes stuff; we’ve seen Jared Leto’s crazy eyes as he dawns the figurative mantle of the iconic comic-book villain, the Joker. But one thing we haven’t really been privy to is the villain for the upcoming summer film. Luckily, the crew over at managed to get an on-set visit and ask producers some questions.

The villain of Suicide Squad is called the Adversary, according to a report by’s Russ Burlingame. Here’s what producer Richard Suckle had to say about the movie’s villain.

“Oh, you will find out who the Adversary is,” Suckle said, per Burlingame’s report. “That is for sure. You will find out not only who the Adversary is but why they exist, who is part and parcel and who is behind them. You definitely will find that out in this movie for sure.”

Another producer, Andry Horwitz, added that there are “multiple adversaries” fighting against the Suicide Squad—the Joker is one of them.

Additionally, Enchantress will be another villain, per Burlingame’s report. Burlingame speculates in his piece that Enchantress’s magical abilities allows her to get close to the Adversary, making her close enough to be possessed.

Suicide Squad opens in theaters on Aug. 5, 2016.