Video | Match 1 – Post-match Scrum with Chris Mueller

Forward Chris Mueller scored Orlando City SC's first goal of the match and of the 2019 season in a 2-2 draw with New York City FC.


Chris Mueller:

0:07 – On thoughts on team’s performances vs. NYCFC
0:22 – On what he saw on the no-call for a hand ball around the 82nd minute
0:34 – On his approach to his free-kick goal in the 59th minute
0:45 – On if scoring with Tesho Akindele against NYCFC is going to be a common theme, now
1:01 – On effect Dom Dwyer, Luís Nani had on team’s energy up on entering the match
1:15 – On mood of the team entering halftime
1:35 – On if this was the next-best result the team could’ve hoped for in the season opener
1:57 – On offensive impact of Dwyer, Nani, Josué Colmán

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