‘Rogue One’ Content Coming to ‘Star Wars Battlefront’


The final expansion pack for DICE’s first-person shooter Star War Battlefront is coming to the game on Dec. 6, according to a report by PCGamer.com’s Andy Chalk.

The downloadable content, which wraps up the game’s season pass, is titled Rogue One: Scarif and is based on the upcoming film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. It’ll feature four new maps from the titular planet of Scarif, a tropical planet that’s feature in the film’s trailers and promotional material.

It’ll also add two new heroes to the game, Jyn Erso, the film’s lead character played by Felicity Jones, and Orson Krennic, the director of the Empire’s Advanced Weapons Research Division, who is played by Ben Mendelsohn.

Rogue One: Scarif launches two weeks before the film’s premiere on Dec. 16, providing players a first look at one of the major locales from the movie. The game’s final DLC release is similar to how the Jakku map was released ahead of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens.

In addition to the DLC, a free PlayStation VR-compatible X-wing mission will be released on Dec. 6. Here, players take the role of an X-wing pilot from the world of Rogue One. It’ll be free to all Battlefront owners, with or without the season pass.

According to EA and DICE, a sequel is likely to be out in fall 2017 in time for Episode VIII. If they follow this trend, the sequel is likely to showcase some aspects of the new movie and will possibly be the first opportunity to feature characters from the new trilogy.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is the first in a series of Star Wars spinoff movies in the works. Other projects include one based around a young Han Solo. That movie features Alden Ehrenreich as the witty smuggler and Donald Glover as his old friend, Lando Calrissian.